Need help getting started with Buffer?
Last week we talked about the benefits of Facebook, Google+ and more, this week we will be using Buffer to jump start your social media marketing strategies. Bring a laptop or mobile device!
Buffer is a neatly organized service that makes it easy to keep multiple social media accounts up to date. Buffer automates the timing of your social media posts, it interfaces with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter.
Have Questions and/or want more do-it-yourself resources and tips? Join us on the Google+ event page for post-event Q&A: Find Clients With Social Media: Fairfield
Thanks for being at our event, here are our downloadable event resources:

Buffer gives you the freedom to plan ahead, as well as not worry about whether or not you have something posted each day during your networks peak time of activity.
Address: Chevys Fresh Mex, 1730 Travis Boulevard, Fairfield, CA
Meetup: The Business Builders Club – TheBBC.Buzz
Date: April 21st, 2015 9:00am – 10:00am
You’ll learn:
- Buffer Tips
- Facebook Tips
- Google+ Tips
- Social Media Automation
- Image/Video/Content Marketing Tools
- and much more.
If posting to all of your social network accounts has become too much work – especially for your work accounts – then you should really come to our event and get a crash course on using Buffer.